Office Assistant

Empleado permanente, Tiempo parcial · Tampa

Your mission
The principal responsibilities of this position are to provide support to students, staff, faculties, and visitors to the University.  Office Assistant is responsible for always representing  the University professionally.
The Office  Assistant  also provides administrative  support to other university departments  as
required.  This includes  support   at on-campus  events, control  of classrooms and the building as  required.   Office Assistant is  also  responsible   for  communicating any incidents  to  the Campus Director or other appropriate staff.
The position provides initial information to prospective students and supports Admissions by making calls.
Office Assistant may be requested to participate  in projects   being undertaken  either at the
Tampa Campus or at global level.
Your profile
This position is responsible for receiving and directing guests and students to the campus, receiving, and directing phone calls, and processing mail.
  1. Answer the main campus phone line and provide general information about the University and give guidance to the appropriate office or person for the issue at hand.
  2. Direct student traffic to administration and faculty offices.
  3.  Receive, sort and deliver mail to staff, faculty and students.
  4.  Prepare official correspondence for posting, including express shipments and registered mail.
  5.  Coordinate local events, e.g. graduation ceremony
  6.  Coordinate facility and maintenance issues with the building supervisor.
  7.  Support faculty and staff with administrative tasks.
  8. Provide general information about the Tampa community.
  9. Support faculty and students with IT issues/questions in the classroom.
  10. Support staff with IT issues/questions to scale it to the best channel for its resolution.
  11. Work collaboratively with all members of the operations and academics team to ensure student and graduate success
  12. Strengthens the reputation of the University by promoting excellence in all we do
  13. Maintains effective communication with students, staff, and administration
  14. Ensures that campus events run smoothly.
  15. Supports Admissions by providing initial information to students and by making initial contact with leads.
  16. Participate in departmental, campus, university, and in-service meetings. 
  17. Participate in university-wide conference calls as required. 
  18. Disseminate and share best-practices with counterparts.
  19. Develop collaborative relationships with faculty, other university employees and management  
  20. Provides administrative support to management
  21. Promote the University though professionalism with all stakeholders

Position requirements
  • Bachelor's degree plus Office Assistant experience preferred
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills 
  • MS Office experience
  • Fluent English
About us
For over 50 years, we have firmly believed in experiential learning, an educational model that combines knowledge and skills acquisitions with solid humanist values. A combined learning process that guaranteed to all our students not only proficient professional capacities but also an international mindset to build inclusive and realistic scenarios that unify people, nations and cultures.

At SIU we are aware that our students will be part of a global, borderless and hyper-connected world. Thus, our 4 International Campuses provide undergraduate and graduate students with a high-quality variety of degrees valid both in the USA and Europe. All our programs are instructed in English and designed to be customized to each personal scenario. Additionally all our students are encouraged to study abroad at any time during their education to complete their professional expertise with truly life experiences that turn them in truly holistic profiles.  

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